Preguntas frecuentes

  • What are the benefits of having a chatbot in my company?

    Chatbots can enhance customer experience by providing quick and accurate responses 24/7. They can also automate tasks such as collecting information and scheduling appointments, freeing up time for more strategic activities.

  • How does the chatbot installation process work?

    We start with an initial meeting to understand your goals and needs. Then, we develop a customized chatbot flow and integrate it into your preferred channels. We provide training and ongoing support as well.

  • Which messaging platforms are compatible with your chatbots?

    Our chatbots can integrate with a variety of platforms including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, websites, and more. We tailor the integrations to your preferences.

  • How can I schedule a demo call?

    Of course! You can schedule a demo call by filling out the form on our contact page or choosing the relevant option in our chatbot. We'll call you based on your preferred date and time.

  • What is the cost of your chatbot installation services?


    Costs vary based on your company's needs and the level of customization required. We recommend scheduling a call to discuss your goals in order to provide an accurate estimate.

  • Do you offer technical support after the installation?

    Yes, we provide ongoing support to ensure your chatbot runs smoothly. We're always available to assist with any adjustments or enhancements you might need.

  • How long does it take to implement a chatbot in my company?

    Implementation time can vary depending on project complexity. Typically, after the initial meeting, we can have a functional chatbot up and running within a week or two.

  • Do you provide training for my team to manage the chatbot?

    Yes, we offer comprehensive live & recorded training  so your team can manage and update the chatbot. We're also available to answer questions and provide assistance as needed.

  • How do you ensure the security of customer data in the chatbot?

    Data security is a priority. We implement robust security measures and follow best practices to protect customer information within the chatbot. We are GDPR compliant. For more information about security and privacy policy, please visit:


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